Why at Universities? Growing Antisemitism and Strategies to Fight it

Thomas Hinz (University of Konstanz) and Hanna Veiler (President of the Jüdische Studierendenunion Deutschland)

In many countries, antisemitism in higher education seems to be specifically pronounced. Thomas Hinz presents results from a large and current survey study among university students in Germany. Beyond empirical facts, we will discuss with Hanna Veiler individual experience with hostility and antisemitism at universities. Most importantly: what are effective measures against a further spread of antisemitism in higher education?

Thomas Hinz is Professor of Empirical Social Research with a focus on survey research and head of the Research Group on Higher Education at the University of Konstanz and Principal Investigator at the Cluster of Excellence "The Politics of Inequality". His research focuses on survey experiments, labor market sociology, social structure analysis and organizational and economic sociology. In December 2023 he conducted an online survey among students on antisemitic prejudices and attitudes.

Hanna Veiler is the president of the German Jewish Student’s Union (Jüdische Studierenden Union Deutschland, JSUD) and cofounder of the regional Jewwish Student’s Union Württemberg (Jüdischen Studierendenunion Württemberg). She is engaged in political education and as a journalist with a focus on antisemitism, racism, post-soviet history, and a critical culture of remembrance.

Language: German

Seminar format: onsite R611 and online

Recorded lecture available here