Data protection information as per Article 13 GDPR

As of November 2022

Data collected while participating in the Seminar Series:
The Hamas-Israel War and Antisemitism. Facts & Discussion

An online and hybrid seminar series in summer term 2024.

  1. Responsible authority

University of Konstanz

represented by the Rectorate

Universitaetsstr. 10

78464 Konstanz, GERMANY

Phone: +49 7531 88-0

Internal responsibility:

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hinz and Petra Quintini

Department of History, Sociology, Empirical Educational Research and Sport Science


  1. Data protection officer



  1. General information

Please note the data protection information at the bottom of the website (

  1. Legal basis

We process your data based on your consent as per Article 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. a) of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

  1. Purpose and scope of data processing

When you actively participate in a web conference, the following data will be processed, e.g.: the IP address, your name, the meeting metadata, audio and video files, chat content. The processed data are required for recording the course as well as posting the recording to the website of the seminar series.

The following web conferencing service will be used ZOOM. Please note the available data protection information on this system at:

  1. Consequences of not providing data

Should you not give your consent, you cannot participate in the online event mentioned above. You will not suffer any further disadvantages.

  1. Using cookies

When you visit a page, the browser will save a so-called “session cookie” to the end device in use after a one-time log-in to protected areas. The cookie will be deleted as soon as the browser is closed. The purpose here is to recognize multiple related requests from the same user, which preserves the user's log-in status while using the website. Blocking these cookies can impair access to and use of the website.

  1. Recipients

The teacher(s) and other participants in the aforementioned online event only have access to content data (audio/video files, chat histories, list of participants). Internal recipients are also staff members who need the data to complete their work responsibilities (e.g. staff in the Communication, Information, Media Centre for the purpose of providing the technical service).

Details about the external recipients (e.g. of meeting metadata) are available in the data protection information for the corresponding web conferencing system:

  1. Storage duration

Recordings of web conferences, and thus the content data related to your person, will be deleted after 12 months. The recording of the speaker (teacher) might be available longer for educational purposes.

For details on how the web conferencing system processes and stores data, please consult the data protection information for the respective tool.

  1. Your rights

  • In accordance with Article 15 GDPR, you have the right to request information from the University of Konstanz about any data it stores that is related to your person and/or to have incorrect data corrected as per Article 16 GDPR.
  • You can withdraw your consent at any time as per Article 7 GDPR. The withdrawal of consent will not affect the lawfulness of data processing if consent had been provided before its withdrawal.
  • Moreover, you also have the right to have your data deleted (Article 17 GDPR) or the processing of data limited (Article 18 GDPR).
  • To better understand and exercise your data protection rights, please contact the aforementioned internal responsible person or our data protection officer by emailing
  • You also have the right to file a complaint with the regulating authority if you believe that the processing and use of your personal data is in violation of the law (Art. 77 GDPR). The responsible contact person at the regulating authority is the Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Baden-Württemberg (state commissioner for data protection and the freedom of information in Baden-Württemberg) (