Greetings for Participants

University of Konstanz ©, 2024

Prof. Dr. Katharina Holzinger

Rector of the University of Konstanz and Chair of the Foundation for the Cooperation of the Universities of Konstanz and Tel Aviv e.V. (FKT)

"As the rector of University of Konstanz, I very warmly welcome the initiative of a seminar series on the Hamas-lsreal war and antisemitism. Given rising antisemitism in our society, solid information and free discussion are essential prerequisites to fight hatred and violence."

Tel Aviv University ©, 2024

Prof. Dr. Milette Shamir

Vice president of Tel Aviv University

"It is my pleasure to greet the participants of this important and timely seminar. In the wake of the events of October 7th and the war between Israel and Hamas, concern on the region's stability has intensified around the world, as have emotionally-intense, but often ill-informed, debates. This seminar provides a vital platform to delve into the historical context of the conflict, analyze the current geopolitical landscape, and understand the alarming rise of antisemitism. Leveraging the long-standing partnership between Tel Aviv University and the University of Konstanz, this series promises invaluable insights from top experts. I congratulate the organizers and wish you all an interesting and rewarding experience"

University of Konstanz ©, 2024

Prof. (em.) Dr. Erhard Roy Wiehn

Founding member of FKT (Foundation for the Cooperation of the Universities of Konstanz and Tel Aviv e.V.)

"The universities of Konstanz and Tel Aviv have built up a flourishing partnership since 1986; this cooperation has proven its worth to this day. It can be seen as a sign of hope that people can learn from history if they listen to each other and discuss"