The Hamas-Israel War and Antisemitism. Facts & Discussion.

After Hamas’s attack on Israel and the subsequent military response, people in Germany and many other countries express deep concern on the situation in Israel and Gaza. It seems necessary to better understand the current escalation of violence and relate it to the uprise of antisemitism around the globe. University of Konstanz invites you to attend an online lecture series with experts informing about historical background of the war, the current political situation in Israel and their effects on uprising Israel-related antisemitism. The series builds on the long-lasting partnership between Tel Aviv University (TAU) and University of Konstanz. We gratefully acknowledge the support by “Förderkreis für Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Universitäten Konstanz und Tel Aviv e.V. (FKT)“ and the city of Konstanz.

Lectures are held online (or hybrid) at 6:45-8.15 pm (CEST).

Please register for online participation in advance via seminar pages.

Exhibition and further events

6 May:

- Nicolas Berg: Die Logik kollektiver Anfeindung. Der Berliner Antisemitismusstreit 1879/80 und die Sprache des modernen Antisemitismus (Online lecture in German language).  More information see here.
For participation please register by e-mail.

18 June to 14 July 2024:

- Exhibition 6:56. Photos from Kibbuz Be’Eri (exposition space at the Konstanz university’s library)

For online participation please register by following link: Opening of the photography exhibition "6:56"

- 19 June, 11:00 am: Guided tour with Sabrina Zinke (DIG Würzburg e.V.) (Meeting in front of the library's café)